
All Chakras are portals or gateways for energy flow to the energy fields and the physical body. This flow is a continual flow, of in and out, just as the tides flow in and out.

It is this natural flow that keeps us alive, healthy, open and balanced.

Each chakra has a specific purpose as shown below.
No one chakra is more important than another.

It is the combination of their continual flows that creates overall balance and harmony.

It is important to keep them all open, healthy and functioning clearly.


Each chakra is an opening for life - force energy, often referred to as prana or chi to come into the body to “feed all the living cells”.
Each cell needs nutrition, water and oxygen, but mostly Life-force to drive its operation.

It is the energy of the Universe that causes the cell to be alive and healthy and function as it should.

You could add nutrition, water and oxygen together and get just that, a mixture of Stuff that does not do anything; that is not really alive.


It is the “Life-force” that causes the cells to be “Alive”.

It is the healthy flow of energy through the Chakra, Aura and the Meridian System that is vital to keep us alive and healthy in all ways.


You would surely die without oxygen or water, that is a fact.

You also need the Life-force pumping through you for you to be truly alive.

The overall system of Chakras is to allow the flow in and out of Energy.

There are many Chakras in the “ Body”.

The Major 7 that is spoken of are the major gateways. The others serve a purpose of balance.


The major 7 Chakras have psychological functions associated to them such as security, creativity, self love, communication, communication with spirit,and connection with the Source or God.


Each One has its own purpose, it is the sum of all of them that makes us whole.
The energy of love, the Source, the Universe vibrates at a much higher frequency than the physical body.

It is through the chakra and light bodies that this energy is gradually transformed into lower frequencies to “feed” the light bodies and then eventually be accepted into the physical body of cells.


The Chakras are easily disturbed by storage of emotional energy.

This emotional energy creates distortions and blockages which interrupts the natural flow of Life-force into the body.

It is of the greatest importance to become aware of the daily processing of emotional energy and not allow it to be stored anywhere in the system of cells, muscles, organs, glands, meridians, chakras or light bodies.

The healthy “Body, Mind, Spirit “ will be kept healthy or returned to health by constant clearing of “old “ emotional energies and mindfulness to clear and release emotions as they occur rather than allowing them to be suppressed and stored in the energetic system.

The Base Chakra is the closest link of the major chakras to the Earth.

It draws Earth energy through the chakra into the spine. It vibrates at a very low frequency, in connection with the vibration of the Earth. It has the basic alignment with survival and connects us with the need for food, money, shelter and safety.

The Base Chakra is easily blocked with emotional issues relating to safety, survival, money and the basic necessities of life.

It is very fragile as it is the one that connects us to the Earth and the Earth is so heavily effected by human impact at this time. It is easily contaminated with pollutants and can be regularly cleared by breathing deeply while in a semi squatting position.

The Earth is our mother and she is suffering at this time. Use the Base Chakra to clear yourself and also to channel Life-force through you back to the Earth for her healing.

The Sacral Chakra is the connection to Self through relationships.

This really is a powerful chakra as it is also related to creativity and sexuality.

Sexuality is an extremely vital energy and is very fragile as it can also be effected by so many emotional states.

When you link it with the relationship connection to creativity it is a vital energy and is very fragile as well.

The Essence of Creation is the purpose of our being. Creation is our purpose. We are to create who we are in every moment and create the world that we wish to inhabit with every thought.

If this Chakra is blocked with emotional “stuff” it is usually creativity that suffers first. This can lead to depression and lethargy and original drive for life.

Keep this Chakra open by connection with nature and think pure positive thoughts creating a pure and beautiful life of love and light.

In all of creation - first there was light.

The Solar Plexus Chakra holds the Energy of the Sun.

It is strong, forceful and full of the power of the Sun. Without the light and heat from the Sun our world would be filled with darkness.

Without the power pumping through the Solar Plexus Chakra our soul would be in darkness.

This is the light of life.

This is the fire that keeps us burning in desire and strength to be the best that we can be.

Connect to the Sun and draw the heat and passion of the flames into this centre of self realisation.

This is your power of self control, self esteem and self identification.

See yourself as bright, as powerful and as necessary as the Sun.

The Sun brings light into our lives just as you bring light into the world of all those that you meet.

Smile and let the power of the Sun shine from you.

Know that you are the light that guides others out of darkness.

The Heart Chakra has the essence of purity of the soul.

This is where the love is found.

This is where the “Heart” is.

This chakra draws the love of the Source into every cell of your body. It is the pure vibration of love that lights each cell and allows it to function as part of the Universal Whole.

We are made up of individual cells that make the total of us.

Each one is part of the "Universal Whole", just as we are part of the Universal Whole.

This is the chakra that links us to “The All That Is” with the Love of the Source.

Charge this chakra by connecting to Love.

Think loving thoughts for yourself as well as others.

Each tree, flower, animal and other human are all One.

Allow yourself to feel “At One” with them and feel the Love of all “That Is “ running through you.

Value yourself - To give as well as receive is the balance that gives you strength .

Honour yourself as you would honour others.

The Throat Chakra is the power source of communication of the spoken work.

In many other ways we also communicate by thought, sight, touch and smell.

This is where the sound vibration holds its power in the world.

We can speak, we can sing, we call, yell or whisper. Each has its own vibration, strength and assets in expressing our self.

Singing songs of love and appreciation is the purest way of opening and clearing this chakra. It vibrates beautifully when stimulated by sounds of love.

The Third Eye Chakra is where we really communicate with the Universe.

Our thoughts are interpreted by others and we receive messages at frequencies above that of sound and sight. This is where we communicate with “The All”.

This is where we truly “See” it as it is, on the spiritual plane, a level above human interaction of words.

This is where the truth is seen.

Open yourself to Truth and you will “See the Light of Life”.




The Crown Chakra is how you communicate with “Home”.

This is your connection to the Source and the Universe.

This is your sender and receiver to the highest realms of spirit.

Keep this connection open by focusing on drawing in Life-force Energy.

This is the gateway to life itself, the gate to reality of Light and Love. It is through this portal that we are truly “One with All There Is” at the highest vibration of all.

Keep the connection open so that you may be inspired by thoughts of Love, Goodness and Kindness.

This is the Love of Life that will make you whole again.

More Info On Chakras

The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit texts

and is interpreted as “Disk “ or “Wheel ”

A chakra is like a spinning whirlpool of energy extending from our spine out past our physical body into our energy fields.

It is through our chakras that we connect with the whole universe.

There are Seven Major Chakras aligned vertically along the spine starting at the base of the spine and running to the top of the head.

The chakras also extend way above the physical head to past the physical body into the Earth.

There are many smaller chakras throughout the body, such as those in the hands and soles of feet.

The Chakras also extend to the Etheric Body and throughout layers of the Aura.

In the physical body, the seven major chakras correspond to major nerve systems, glands of the Endocrine system and various bodily processes such as breathing, digesting or procreating.


While the chakras exist within the physical body, with strong influence on body shape and health they do not consist of physical components.

A Chakra is as intangible as an emotion, though both do affect us physically.

The chakras store our internal programming about how to function in life.

The Base Chakra contains our survival program, such as what we eat and our need for exercise.

The Sacral Chakra is our sexuality program, such as ethics and preferences. etc.


The logic of vibrational healing is to work on the Chakras to examine the programming we have been given on each of these levels, eliminating destructive programming and t consciously replace it with more positive attitudes and behaviour.

The Chakras are usually associated with the colours of the rainbow.

Red being the Base Chakra through to Violet at the Crown Chakra.

A Chakra can be “overblown” if it is out of balance with the other chakras in the system. In that case, the particular chakra uses so much of the body’s energy and the mind’s attention that the other areas become deficient.

An example would be someone with an overblown Solar Plexus Chakra might be so attached to controlling others and being in a position of power that they may be unable to find love.

Effective healing is created through understanding and locating the imbalances and working through combination of energy management, physical exercise, processing old traumas, therapy, visualisation, meditation, chanting and use of herbs, crystals, colour, vibrational energies etc.

Each chakra has a front and rear aspect effected by different emotions, beliefs, physical conditions and conditions.

The Relationship Between Chakras,Organs And Glands

The transference of life force energy is processed through the Chakras.

The Chakras act as energy transformers, stepping down energy from higher to lower frequencies to allow them to be assimilated into the physical body.

The energies rhythmically pulsate through the Chakras and their appearance have been likened to the petals of a flower. In Indian philosophy.

The Chakras are said to resemble the lotus flower. Each Chakra is shown with varying number of petals related to their level of energies. The speed and direction of the Chakra flow will depend on the state of well-being of the individual.


The first five Chakras are in alignment with the spine, while the brow and

crown Chakra are located on the head.

Chakras are usually associated with a colour and have links with organs and endocrine glands within the body.

The Base Chakra or Muladhara Chakra: is situated at the end of the Coccyx and is symbolised by a deep Red Lotus Flower with Four Petals.

The associated Red colour vibrates at the lowest frequency of the colour spectrum.

This Chakra contains the primal energy, known as the Kundalini Shakti.

Yoga works to raise this energy to reach a state of realisation and spiritual enlightenment.
This Chakra is associated with the Earth and your grounding foundation for life.

This is where the thoughts related to roof over your head, food on the table and other basic instincts are processed.

The sense of smell is regulated by the Base Chakra and it is also associated with power and will.

The parts of the body most affected by the Base Chakra are the feet, bones, legs, large intestine, spine and the nervous system.
The Testes in males and Ovaries in woman are the parts of the Endocrine System which are regulated by this centre.

The Ovaries are responsible for producing Ova, secreting Oestrogen and Progesterone. Oestrogen, also influenced by the Pituitary Gland, regulates menstruation and develops the feminine characteristics in females. Progesterone prepares the mucous membranes of the Uterus to receive fertilised eggs.

When the Base Chakra is functionally at optimal levels the individual will be full of vibrancy and life. They will have abundant energy and drive to pursue an active physical life. Blockages in this centre can create lethargy, tiredness and lack of inspiration to do anything physical.

The Sacral or Swadisthana Chakra: Swadisthana is Sanskrit for “one’s own abode” and is represented by an orange coloured lotus flower with six petals and is associated with the element water.

It is located between the pubic region and the navel.

This Chakra is associated with sexuality, relationships and creativity.

In Tantric Yoga the energy of this Chakra may be transferred to the throat where it can be used to open creativity and communication.
The organs which are influenced are the skin, the reproductory organs especially in women, the kidneys, the bladder, the lymphatic system and the circulatory system. The adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney are stimulated by the energies bought in from this chakra. The adrenals are responsible for many functions including retaining of chloride and sodium in the body, maintaining blood pressure and supporting the excretion of excess potassium. They also assist in the conversion of carbohydrates into glycogen. They help in the utilisation of fat, increase blood sugars, and decrease the number of eosinophils and lymphocytes in the blood. They also help reduce the rate at which certain connective tissues multiply, which if in excess can retard natural healing.

The adrenals also influence growth and sex development.
The medulla of the adrenal glands secretes adrenaline and nordrenalin which have affects on heartbeat and blood pressure.

If this Chakra is healthy and functionally correctly the organs and glands affected will be functioning at optimal levels. If however this centre is malfunctioning there may be problems with the kidneys and bladder functions, circulatory system, menstruation, conception and normal sexual functioning such as ability to reach orgasm and achieve or maintain erections.

The Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra : This Chakra is described as a yellow lotus flower with ten petals . It is situated between the first lumbar vertebrae and the twelfth thoracic.

This is the fire centre, the point of heat which radiates like the sun. It is ruled by the sun and associated with active intelligence.

In Chinese philosophy it is called the “Triple warmer” as it radiated the heat to aid digestion. In Japanese this area is often referred to as the “Hara” which means belly. This is often referred to the centre where prana (upward moving energy) and apana (downward moving energy) meet and create the generated heat that is necessary to support all life.

The astral energy enters the Etheric field through the solar plexus. On a physical level the Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for supporting the process of digestion and absorbs iron.

The related organs are the stomach, the diaphragm, the duodenum, gall bladder and liver.

The pancreas is the gland associated with this centre. Only part of the pancreas is endocrine. These are the “Islets of Langerhans” which secrete insulin which is responsible for the metabolism of sugars. Without insulin the muscles would not be able to use the sugars within the blood, and would therefore not have the combustible energy to function correctly. If there is absence or reduced quality of insulin, the body develops Diabetes.

The Solar Plexus Chakra is your “I am” centre where the self is constantly being “put to the test” . This is where you will feel “butterflies” in your belly when put under observation or put to the test. The Chakras energy flows can be restricted by stress .

If this centre is malfunctioning an individual may be depressed, introverted , have poor digestion, mood swings, or lethargy.

This Chakra also connects the sexual energies of the Sacral Chakra to the emotional energies of the Heart Chakra, resulting in positive or negative emotional relationships.

The Heart or Anahata Chakra : The Heart Chakra is symbolised

by a green lotus flower with twelve petals and is associated with the element of air.

It is located between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. On a physical level the Heart Chakra supports the heart and circulatory system, as well as the lungs and respiratory system, the immune system and the arms and hands. The Thymus gland is the associated gland with the Heart Chakra and is situated behind the thorax, in front of the heart and behind the sternum. The Thymus is interrelated with the bodies immune system. The Thymus may often be affected by electromagnetic radiation eg. fluoro lights, T.V.’s , radios etc.

Energising the Thymus with energy can negate the affects of radiation and boost the body and it’s immune system.

It is through the Heart Chakra that we transcend the ability to give as well as receive love. Many of us have been raised to give love, but do not value ourselves enough to receive love. This imbalance of giving rather than receiving may cause disturbances within the energetic system of the Heart Chakra and therefore restrict life force energy to the lungs, breast and heart. This may result in “dis ease” manifesting in the physical body as heart problems, breast cancer, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. The value of valuing and
loving yourself enough to receive love is extremely important in this centre.
The heart centre is also the pivot point between the physical self, represented by the lower three chakras and the spiritual self represented by the upper three chakras.

The Throat or Vishuddha Chakra: The throat Chakra is symbolised by a blue lotus flower with sixteen petals. The word Vishuddha means to purify, thus this is the centre for purification. The Throat Chakra supports on the physical level the vocal cords, the ears, the female reproductory system and the nervous system.
The glands associated with the Throat Chakra are the thyroid and the parathyroid. The thyroid glands situated in the lower part of the neck and consists of two lobes which are positioned on either side of the trachea and joined by the isthmus which passes in front of the trachea. The thyroid produces the hormones thyroxine and triodothyronine whose main function is to regulate the metabolic process in the body as well as regulate growth and development, particularly in childhood. The parathyroids are situated behind each of the four poles of the thyroid and are responsible for calcium metabolism of the body.
The Throat Chakra is the centre for communication and speaking your truth. Many individuals who hold back on what they need to say have manifested throat cancers, thyroid imbalances and other throat related irritations. If you have ever had a tickle in the throat that you just can’t seem to clear, then try saying your truth. Releasing the words somehow, even by writing them will release the blocked energy in this centre and allow life force to flow again to support the body.

The Brow, Third Eye or Ajna Chakra: The Third Eye Chakra is seen as a indigo coloured lotus flower with ninety six petals. It is represented as a two petalled flower which represent the two natures of the mind being the ego self and the spiritual self / the reasoning mind and the intuitive mind.
The word Anja means “command” thus this is the command centre from the higher self. This is the centre of visualisation and perception. It is at this centre that the two main Nadis, the Ida (masculine) and the Pingala
(feminine) meet. This is where spiritual awakening occurs when the masculine and feminine aspects of a person merge and become one.

The Third Eye Chakra supports the eyes, the nose, ears and the brain on the physical level. The pituitary gland is its associated endocrine gland. The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and is approximately one centimetre in diameter. It consists of two lobes, being the anterior and posterior, each with different modes of development and completely different functions.

The anterior (front) lobe of the pituitary gland is considered the master gland of the endocrine system, as its hormonal secretions control the activities of the other glands. The hypothalamus influences many of the hormones which it secretes. The posterior (back) lobe of the pituitary gland secretes two hormones, Vasopressin which is an anti diuretic hormone (fluid retention) and Oxytocin which stimulates the lactating breast to effect milk as well as stimulates the muscles of the uterus immediately after childbirth.

The hormones secreted by the pituitary also affect blood sugar levels, and mineral levels and regulates body temperature. This is also the area related to allergic reactions within the body.

Imbalances in this centre may lead to irritability, confusion, rigid thoughts, tiredness, sleeplessness, sinus problems, catarrh, hay fever, mental stress and migraines.
This is the centre for perception, how you see the world and perceive spiritual knowledge.

The Crown or Sahasrara Chakra: The crown Chakra is symbolised by a violet coloured thousand petal lotus flower. The petals are usually represented by twelve golden central petals surrounded by nine hundred and sixty secondary petals. A thousand is the number which is meant to represent infinity. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with connection to the spiritual realms.

The Pineal gland which is supported by this chakra is a small reddish- grey gland about the size of a pea. It is situated between the cerebrum and the mid brain, just in front of the cerebellum. Its main hormone secretion is melatonin which affects the body’s biological clock. The level of melatonin is highest during the night and decreases during daylight hours. The pineal regulates the onset of puberty, influences our moods and induces sleep. Melatonin also inhibits the release of gonadotropins which affect testicular and ovarian function.

Salivary Gland: Produces saliva for lubrication of food - some starch digestion via the enzyme Ptyalin).

Prostrate: Adds a secretion to the seminal fluid to nourish spermatozoa.

Vaginal , Cervical & Vulvovaginal Glands: Produce vaginal lubricants.






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All Chakras are portals of energy flow. A natural flow, of in and out, just as the tides need to flow in and out. It is this natural flow that keeps us open and balanced. Each chakra has a specific purpose as shown below, though all are used to connect to The Source as a whole.
No one chakra is more important than another, it is the combination of them that gives overall balance and harmony.
It is important to keep them all open, healthy and functioning clearly by keeping pure thoughts of Love flowing in and out.
Love has the highest vibrational energy of all. It is the purity and brightest light of the source of all Creation. It is the lack of Love - Fear - that causes the darkness in our soul and then in our body.

Each chakra is an opening for light to come into the body to “feed all the living cells”.
Each cell needs nutrition, water and oxygen, but mostly Life-force to drive its operation.

It is the energy of the Universe that causes the cell to be healthy and function as it should.
You could add nutrition, water and oxygen together and get just that, a mixture of Stuff that does not do anything; that is not really alive.

It is the “Life-force” that causes the cells to be “Alive”. It is the healthy flow of energy through the Chakra, Aura and the Meridian System that is the most important of all.

You would surely die without oxygen or water, that is a fact. You also need the Life-force pumping through you for you to be truly alive.

The overall system of Chakras is to allow the flow in and out of Energy. There are many Chakras in the “ Body”. The Major 7 that is spoken of are the major gateways. The others serve a purpose of balance.


The major 7 Chakras have psychological functions associated to them such as security, creativity, self love, communication, communication with spirit,and connection with the Source.


Each One has its own purpose, it is the sum of all of them that makes us whole.
The energy of love, the Source, the Universe vibrates at a much higher frequency than the physical body. It is through the chakra and light bodies that this energy is gradually transformed into lower frequencies to “feed” the light bodies and then eventually be accepted into the physical body of cells.

The Chakras are easily disturbed by storage of emotional energy. This emotional energy creates distortions and blockages which interrupts the natural flow of Life-force into the body. It is of the greatest importance to become aware of the daily processing of emotional energy and not allow it to be stored anywhere in the system of cells, muscles, organs, glands, meridians, chakras or light bodies.

The healthy “Body, Mind, Spirit “ will be kept healthy or returned to health by constant clearing of “old “ emotional energies and mindfulness to clear and release emotions as they occur rather than allowing them to be suppressed and stored in the energetic system.

The Base Chakra is the closest link of the major chakras to the Earth.

It draws Earth energy through the chakra into the spine. It vibrates at a very low frequency, in connection with the vibration of the Earth. It has the basic alignment with survival and connects us with the need for food, money, shelter and safety.

The Base Chakra is easily blocked with emotional issues relating to safety, survival, money and the basic necessities of life. It is very fragile as it is the one that connects us to the Earth and the Earth is so heavily effected by human impact at this time. It is easily contaminated with pollutants and should be regularly cleared by breathing deeply while in a semi squatting position.

The Earth is our mother and she is suffering at this time. Use the Base Chakra to clear yourself and also to channel Life-force through you back to the Earth for her healing.

The Sacral Chakra is the connection to Self through relationships. This really is a powerful chakra as it is also related to creativity and sexuality. Sexuality is an extremely vital energy and is very fragile as it can also be effected by so many emotional states. When you link it with the relationship connection to creativity it is a vital energy and is very fragile as well. The Essence of Creation is the purpose of our being. Creation is our purpose. We are to create who we are in every moment and create the world that we wish to inhabit with every thought.

If this Chakra is blocked with emotional “stuff” it is usually creativity that suffers first. This can lead to depression and lethargy and original drive for life.

Keep this Chakra open by connection with nature and think pure positive thoughts creating a pure and beautiful life of love and light.

In all of creation - first there was light.

The Solar Plexus Chakra holds the Energy of the Sun. It is strong, forceful and full of the power of the Sun. Without the light and heat from the Sun our world would be filled with darkness. Without the power pumping through the Solar Plexus Chakra our soul would be in darkness. This is the light of life. This is the fire that keeps us burning in desire and strength to be the best that we can be. Connect to the Sun and draw the heat and passion of the flames into this centre of self realisation. This is your power of self control, self esteem and self identification. See yourself as bright, as powerful and as necessary as the Sun.

The Sun brings light into our lives just as you bring light into the world of all those that you meet. Smile and let the power of the Sun shine from you. Know that you are the light that guides others out of darkness.

The Heart Chakra has the essence of purity of the soul. This is where the love is found. This is where the “Heart” is. This chakra draws the love of the Source into every cell of your body. It is the pure vibration of love that lights each cell and allows it to function as part of the Universal Whole.

We are made up of individual cells that make the total of us. Each one is part of the Universal Whole, just as we are part of the Universal Whole.

This is the chakra that links us to “The All That Is” with the Love of the Source. Charge this chakra by connecting to Love. Think loving thoughts for yourself as well as others.

Each tree, flower, animal and other human are all One. Allow yourself to feel “At One” with them and feel the Love of all “That Is “ running through you.

Value yourself - To give as well as receive is the balance that gives you strength . Honour yourself as you would honour others.

The Throat Chakra is the power source of communication of the spoken work. In many other ways we also communicate by thought, sight, touch and smell.

This is where the sound vibration holds its power in the world. We can speak, we can sing, we call, yell or whisper. Each has its own vibration, strength and assets in expressing our self.

Singing songs of love and appreciation is the purest way of opening and clearing this chakra. It vibrates beautifully when stimulated by sounds of love.

The Third Eye Chakra is where we really communicate with the Universe.

Our thoughts are interpreted by others and we receive messages at frequencies above that of sound and sight. This is where we communicate with “The All”. This is where we truly “See” it as it is, on the spiritual plane, a level above human interaction of words. This is where the truth is seen.

Open yourself to Truth and you will “See the Light of Life”.


The Crown Chakra is how you communicate with “Home”. This is your connection to the Source and the Universe. This is your sender and receiver to the highest realms of spirit.

Keep this connection open by focusing on drawing in Life-force Energy. This is the gateway to life itself, the gate to reality of Light and Love. It is through this portal that we are truly “One with All There Is” at the highest vibration of all. Keep the connection open so that you may be inspired by thoughts of Love, Goodness and Kindness.

This is the Love of Life that will make you whole again.

The word Chakra is derived from the Sanskrit texts and is interpreted as “Disk “ or “Wheel ” A chakra is like a spinning whirlpool of energy extending from our spine out past our physical body into our energy fields. It is through our chakras that we connect with the whole universe.

There are Seven Major Chakras aligned vertically along the spine starting at the base of the spine and running to the top of the head. The chakras also extend way above the physical head to past the physical body into the Earth. There are many smaller chakras throughout the body, such as those in the hands and soles of feet. The Chakras also extend to the Etheric Body and throughout layers of the Aura.

In the physical body, the seven major chakras correspond to major nerve systems, glands of the Endocrine system and various bodily processes such as breathing, digesting or procreating.

While the chakras exist within the physical body, with strong influence on body shape and health they do not consist of physical components. A Chakra is as intangible as an emotion, though both do affect us physically.

The chakras store our internal programming about how to function in life. The Base Chakra contains our survival program, such as what we eat and our need for exercise. The Sacral Chakra is our sexuality program, such as ethics and preferences. etc.

The logic of vibrational healing is to work on the Chakras to examine the programming we have been given on each of these levels, eliminating destructive programming and consciously replace it with more positive attitudes and behaviour. The Chakras are usually associated with the colours of the rainbow. Red being the Base Chakra through to Violet at the Crown Chakra.

A Chakra can be “overblown” if it is out of balance with the other chakras in the system. In that case, the particular chakra uses so much of the body’s energy and the mind’s attention that the other areas become deficient.

An example would be someone with an overblown Solar Plexus Chakra might be so attached to controlling others and being in a position of power that they may be unable to find love.

Effective healing is created through understanding and locating the imbalances and working through combination of energy management, physical exercise, processing old traumas, therapy, visualisation, meditation, chanting and use of herbs, crystals, colour, vibrational energies etc.

Each chakra has a front and rear aspect effected by different emotions, beliefs, physical conditions and conditions.


The transference of life force energy is processed through the Chakras. The Chakras act as energy transformers, stepping down energy from higher to lower frequencies to allow them to be assimilated into the physical body.
The energies rhythmically pulsate through the Chakras and their appearance have been likened to the petals of a flower. In Indian philosophy.
The Chakras are said to resemble the lotus flower. Each Chakra is shown with varying number of petals related to their level of energies. The speed and direction of the Chakra flow will depend on the state of well-being of the individual. The first five Chakras are in alignment with the spine, while the brow and crown Chakra are located on the head.
Chakras are usually associated with a colour and have links with organs and endocrine glands within the body.

The Base Chakra or Muladhara Chakra: is situated at the end of the Coccyx and is symbolised by a deep Red Lotus Flower with Four Petals.
The associated Red colour vibrates at the lowest frequency of the colour spectrum. This Chakra contains the primal energy, known as the Kundalini Shakti. Yoga works to raise this energy to reach a state of realisation and spiritual enlightenment.
This Chakra is associated with the Earth and your grounding foundation for life.
This is where the thoughts related to roof over your head, food on the table and other basic instincts are processed. The sense of smell is regulated by the Base Chakra and it is also associated with power and will. The parts of the body most affected by the Base Chakra are the feet, bones, legs, large intestine, spine and the nervous system.
The Testes in males and Ovaries in woman are the parts of the Endocrine System which are regulated by this centre. The Ovaries are responsible for producing Ova, secreting Oestrogen and Progesterone. Oestrogen, also influenced by the Pituitary Gland, regulates menstruation and develops the feminine characteristics in females. Progesterone prepares the mucous membranes of the Uterus to receive fertilised eggs.
When the Base Chakra is functionally at optimal levels the individual will be full of vibrancy and life. They will have abundant energy and drive to pursue an active physical life. Blockages in this centre can create lethargy, tiredness and lack of inspiration to do anything physical.

The Sacral or Swadisthana Chakra: Swadisthana is Sanskrit for “one’s own abode” and is represented by an orange coloured lotus flower with six petals and is associated with the element water. It is located between the pubic region and the navel. This Chakra is associated with sexuality, relationships and creativity. In Tantric Yoga the energy of this Chakra may be transferred to the throat where it can be used to open creativity and communication.
The organs which are influenced are the skin, the reproductory organs especially in women, the kidneys, the bladder, the lymphatic system and the circulatory system. The adrenal glands, one on top of each kidney are stimulated by the energies bought in from this chakra. The adrenals are responsible for many functions including retaining of chloride and sodium in the body, maintaining blood pressure and supporting the excretion of excess potassium. They also assist in the conversion of carbohydrates into glycogen. They help in the utilisation of fat, increase blood sugars, and decrease the number of eosinophils and lymphocytes in the blood. They also help reduce the rate at which certain connective tissues multiply, which if in excess can retard natural healing. The adrenals also influence growth and sex development.
The medulla of the adrenal glands secretes adrenaline and nordrenalin which have affects on heartbeat and blood pressure. If this Chakra is healthy and functionally correctly the organs and glands affected will be functioning at optimal levels. If however this centre is malfunctioning there may be problems with the kidneys and bladder functions, circulatory system, menstruation, conception and normal sexual functioning such as ability to reach orgasm and achieve or maintain erections.

The Solar Plexus or Manipura Chakra : This Chakra is described as a yellow lotus flower with ten petals . It is situated between the first lumbar vertebrae and the twelfth thoracic. This is the fire centre, the point of heat which radiates like the sun. It is ruled by the sun and associated with active intelligence.
In Chinese philosophy it is called the “Triple warmer” as it
radiated the heat to aid digestion. In Japanese this area is often referred to as the “Hara” which means belly. This is often referred to the centre where prana (upward moving energy) and apana (downward moving energy) meet and create the generated heat that is necessary to support all life.
The astral energy enters the Etheric field through the solar plexus. On a physical level the Solar Plexus Chakra is responsible for supporting the process of digestion and absorbs iron. The related organs are the stomach, the diaphragm, the duodenum, gall bladder and liver. The pancreas is the gland associated with this centre. Only part of the pancreas is endocrine. These are the “Islets of Langerhans” which secrete insulin which is responsible for the metabolism of sugars. Without insulin the muscles would not be able to use the sugars within the blood, and would therefore not have the combustible energy to function correctly. If there is absence or reduced levels of insulin, the body develops Diabetes.
The Solar Plexus Chakra is your “I am” centre where the self is constantly being “put to the test” . This is where you will feel “butterflies” in your belly when put under observation or put to the test. The Chakras energy flows can be restricted by stress . If this centre is malfunctioning an individual may be depressed, introverted , have poor digestion, mood swings, or lethargy.
This Chakra also connects the sexual energies of the Sacral Chakra to the emotional energies of the Heart Chakra, resulting in positive or negative emotional relationships.

The Heart or Anahata Chakra : The Heart Chakra is symbolised by a green lotus flower with twelve petals and is associated with the element of air. It is located between the fourth and fifth thoracic vertebrae. On a physical level the Heart Chakra supports the heart and circulatory system, as well as the lungs and respiratory system, the immune system and the arms and hands. The Thymus gland is the associated gland with the Heart Chakra and is situated behind the thorax, in front of the heart and behind the sternum. The Thymus is interrelated with the bodies immune system. The Thymus may often be affected by electromagnetic radiation eg. fluoro lights, T.V.’s , radios etc.
Energising the Thymus with energy can negate the affects of radiation and boost the body and it’s immune system.
It is through the Heart Chakra that we transcend the ability to give as well as receive love. Many of us have been raised to give love, but do not value ourselves enough to receive love. This imbalance of giving rather than receiving may cause disturbances within the energetic system of the Heart Chakra and therefore restrict life force energy to the lungs, breast and heart. This may result in “dis ease” manifesting in the physical body as heart problems, breast cancer, asthma and other respiratory illnesses. The value of valuing and
loving yourself enough to receive love is extremely important in this centre.
The heart centre is also the pivot point between the physical self, represented by the lower three chakras and the spiritual self represented by the upper three chakras.

The Throat or Vishuddha Chakra: The throat Chakra is symbolised by a blue lotus flower with sixteen petals. The word Vishuddha means to purify, thus this is the centre for purification. The Throat Chakra supports on the physical level the vocal cords, the ears, the female reproductory system and the nervous system.
The glands associated with the Throat Chakra are the thyroid and the parathyroid. The thyroid glands situated in the lower part of the neck and consists of two lobes which are positioned on either side of the trachea and joined by the isthmus which passes in front of the trachea. The thyroid produces the hormones thyroxine and triodothyronine whose main function is to regulate the metabolic process in the body as well as regulate growth and development, particularly in childhood. The parathyroids are situated behind each of the four poles of the thyroid and are responsible for calcium metabolism of the body.
The Throat Chakra is the centre for communication and speaking your truth. Many individuals who hold back on what they need to say have manifested throat cancers, thyroid imbalances and other throat related irritations. If you have ever had a tickle in the throat that you just can’t seem to clear, then try saying your truth. Releasing the words somehow, even by writing them will release the blocked energy in this centre and allow life force to flow again to support the body.

The Brow, Third Eye or Ajna Chakra: The Third Eye Chakra is seen as a indigo coloured lotus flower with ninety six petals. It is represented as a two petalled flower which represent the two natures of the mind being the ego self and the spiritual self / the reasoning mind and the intuitive mind.
The word Anja means “command” thus this is the command centre from the higher self. This is the centre of visualisation and perception. It is at this centre that the two main Nadis, the Ida (masculine) and the Pingala
(feminine) meet. This is where spiritual awakening occurs when the masculine and feminine aspects of a person merge and become one.

The Third Eye Chakra supports the eyes, the nose, ears and the brain on the physical level. The pituitary gland is its associated endocrine gland. The pituitary gland is located at the base of the brain and is approximately one centimetre in diameter. It consists of two lobes, being the anterior and posterior, each with different modes of development and completely different functions.
The anterior (front) lobe of the pituitary gland is considered the master gland of the endocrine system, as its hormonal secretions control the activities of the other glands. The hypothalamus influences many of the hormones which it secretes. The posterior (back) lobe of the pituitary gland secretes two hormones, Vasopressin which is an anti diuretic hormone (fluid retention) and Oxytocin which stimulates the lactating breast to effect milk as well as stimulates the muscles of the uterus immediately after childbirth.
The hormones secreted by the pituitary also affect blood sugar levels, and mineral levels and regulates body temperature. This is also the area related to allergic reactions within the body.
Imbalances in this centre may lead to irritability, confusion, rigid thoughts, tiredness, sleeplessness, sinus problems, catarrh, hay fever, mental stress and migraines.
This is the centre for perception, how you see the world and perceive spiritual knowledge.

The Crown or Sahasrara Chakra: The crown Chakra is symbolised by a violet coloured thousand petal lotus flower. The petals are usually represented by twelve golden central petals surrounded by nine hundred and sixty secondary petals. A thousand is the number which is meant to represent infinity. The Crown Chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with connection to the spiritual realms.
The Pineal gland which is supported by this chakra is a small reddish- grey gland about the size of a pea. It is situated between the cerebrum and the mid brain, just in front of the cerebellum. Its main hormone secretion is melatonin which affects the body’s biological clock. The level of melatonin is highest during the night and decreases during daylight hours. The pineal regulates the onset of puberty, influences our moods and induces sleep. Melatonin also inhibits the release of gonadotropins which affect testicular and ovarian function.

Salivary Gland: Produces saliva for lubrication of food - some starch digestion via the enzyme Ptyalin).

Prostrate: Adds a secretion to the seminal fluid to nourish spermatozoa.

Vaginal , Cervical & Vulvovaginal Glands: Produce vaginal lubricants.





All Chakras are gateways for Universal or Lifeforce Energy to flow into and out of the
Human Energy Field. It is the natural flow that keeps us open and balanced. Each Chakra
has a specific purpose as shown below, though all are used to connect to The Source as
a Whole. No one Chakra is more important than another, it is the combination of them
that gives overall balance and harmony. It is very important to keep them all open,
healthy and functioning clearly by keeping pure thoughts of Love flowing in and out.
Love has a high pure Vibrational Energy that has a wonderful, powerful healing effect
on the whole Human Energy system. It is the purity and brightest Light of the Source of
all Creation. It is the lack of Love - Fear - that causes the darkness in our Soul and
then in our Body.
Each Chakra is an opening for Universal Lifeforce Energy to come into the ‘Body’ to
energetically feed all of the living cells within the physical body. Each cell needs
nutrition, water and oxygen, as well Lifeforce to drive its operation. It is the Energy
of the Universe that causes the cell to be healthy and function as it should. You
could add nutritional substances, water and oxygen together and get just that , a
mixture of Stuff that does not do anything, that is not really alive. It is the
“Lifeforce” that causes the Cells to be “ Alive”. It is the healthy flow of energy
through the Chakra, Aura and the Meridian System that is the most important of all. You
would surely die without oxygen or water , that is a fact. You also need the Lifeforce
pumping through your entire being for you to be truly alive. You may be living without
it, but not be really “ ALIVE”.
There are many Chakras throughout the “ Body”. The Major 7 that is spoken of are the
Major Gateways. The others serve a purpose of balance. The Major 7 have Psychological
functions associated to them such as Security, Creativity, Self Worth, Love,
Communication, Communication with Spirit and Connection with the Source.
Each One has its own purpose, it is the sum of all of them that makes Us Whole.
The Energy of Love, The Source and The Universe vibrates at a much higher frequency
than the human physical body. It is through the Chakras and Light Bodies that this
Energy is gradually transformed from higher to lower frequencies to “feed” the Light
Bodies and then eventually be accepted into the physical body of cells.
The Chakras are easily disturbed by storage of emotional energy. This emotional energy
creates distortions and blockages which interrupts the natural flow of Lifeforce into
the body. It is of the greatest importance for overall general health to become aware
of the daily processing of emotional energy and not allow it to be stored anywhere in
the system of cells, muscles, organs, glands, meridians, chakras or light bodies.
The healthy “Body , Mind, Spirit “ will be kept healthy or returned to health more
efficiently by constant clearing of “ Old “ emotional energies and mindfulness to clear
and release Emotions as they occur rather than allowing them to be suppressed and
stored in the systems.

The Base Chakra is the closest link of the major Chakras to the Earth. It draws Earth
Energy through the Chakra into the Spine . It vibrates at a very low
connection with the vibration of the Earth. It has the basic use of Survival and
connects us with the need for food , money, shelter and safety.
The Base Chakra is easily blocked with Emotional issues relating to safety, survival
and the base necessities of life. It is very fragile as it is the one that connects us
to the Earth and the Earth is so heavily effected by Human impact at this time. It is
easily contaminated with pollutants and should be regularly cleared by breathing
deeply while in a semi squatting position. The Earth is our Mother and she is suffering
at this time. Use the Base Chakra to clear yourself and also to Channel Lifeforce
through you back to the Earth for her healing.

The Sacral Chakra is the connection to Self through relationships. This really is a
powerful Chakra as it is also related to Creativity and Sexuality. Sexuality is an
extremely vital energy and is very fragile as it can also be effected by so many
emotional states. When you link it with the relationship connection to creativity it is
a vital energy and is very fragile as well. The Essence of Creation is the purpose of
our being. Creation is our purpose. We are to create who we are in every moment and
create the world that we wish to inhabit with every thought. If this Chakra is blocked
with emotional “stuff” it is usually creativity that suffers first. The can lead to
depression and lethargy and original drive for life.
Keep this Chakra open by connection with nature and think pure positive thoughts
creating a pure and beautiful life of love and light..
In all of creation - first there was light.

Solar Plexus Chakra:
This Chakra holds the Energy of the Sun. It is strong , forceful and full of the power
of the Sun. Without the light and heat from the Sun our world would be filled with
darkness. Without the power pumping through the Solar Plexus Chakra our Soul would be
in darkness. This is the light of life. This is the fire that keeps us burning in
desire and strength to be the best that we can be. Connect to the Sun and draw the heat
and passion of the flames into this center of Self realization. This is your power of
Self Control, Self Esteem and Self Identification. See yourself as bright, as powerful
and as necessary as the Sun.
The Sun brings Light into our lives just as you bring Light into the world of all
those that you meet. Smile and let the power of the Sun shine from you. Know that you
are the Light that guides others out of Darkness.

Heart Chakra:
This is the Essence of Purity of the Soul. This is where the love is found. This is
where the “Heart” is. This Chakra draws the love of the Source into every cell of your
body. It is the pure vibration of Love that lights each cell and allows it to function
as part of the Universal Whole.
We are made up of individual cells that make the total of us. Each one is part of the
Universal Whole, just as we are part of the Universal Whole. This is the Chakra that
links us to “The All That Is” with the Love of the Source. Charge this Chakra by
connecting to Love. Think loving thoughts for yourself as well as others. Each tree,
flower , animal and other human are all One. Allow yourself to feel “At One” with them
and feel the Love of all “That Is “ running through you.
Value yourself - To give as well as receive is the balance that gives you strength .
Honour yourself as you would honour others.

Throat Chakra:
This is the power source of Communication of the spoken work. In many other ways we
also communicate with thought , sight, touch and smell.
This is where the Sound vibration holds it’s power in the World. We can speak, we can
sing, we call, yell or whisper. Each has it’s own vibration, strength and assets in
expressing our self.
Singing songs of Love and Appreciation is the purest way of opening and clearing this
Chakra. It vibrates beautifully when stimulated by Sounds of Love.

Third Eye Chakra:
This is where we really communicate with the Universe. Our thoughts are interpreted by
others and we receive messages at frequencies above that of Sound and Sight. This is
where we communicate with “The All”. This is where we truly “See” it as it is, on the
Spiritual Plain, a level above human interaction of words. This is where the truth is
Open yourself to Truth and you will “See the Light of Life”.

Crown Chakra:
This is how you call “Home”. This is your connection to the Source and the Universe.
This is your sender and receiver to the highest realms of Spirit. Keep this connection
open by focusing on drawing in Lifeforce Energy. This is the gateway to life itself ,
the gate to reality of Light and Love. It is through this portal that we are truly
“One with All There Is” at the highest vibration of all. Keep the connection open so
that you may be inspired by thoughts of Love, Goodness and Kindness.
This is the Love of Life that will make you whole again.

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