The  Meridians
The Meridians or Accupressure vessels are part of the energy system of the body.

They are invisible channels or pathways that the chi or life force energy uses to flow around the body.

Acupuncture points are located where the chi of the channels rises closest to the surface of the body.

Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese form of medicine that uses fine needles placed gently into the skin on approximately 500 Acupuncture points to stimulate the energy flow through the meridians.

The  Meridians were originally mapped through the body by Chinese healers as well as the Indian Yogis and other Asian ancient cultures.

Meridians have now been mapped  electronically, thermatically and radioactively by modern technology.

Meridians are classified yin or yang on the basis of the direction that they flow within the body.

Energy flows through the Meridians from one to another in one continuous flow and in one direction.

The basic 14 meridian line system used by most therapies is made up of two midline meridians, two meridians associated with body functions and ten meridians, which deliver energy to organs.

The organ meridians are named after the organ that they bring energy to.

The two-midline meridians are known as

the Central and the Governing Meridian.


They work in a similar way to storage batteries for energy flow and deal with the energy as it enters and leaves the body.




The function-associated meridians are the Triple Warmer and the Circulation/Sex Meridian.


The Triple warmer Meridianis related to the body’s immune response and regulation of temperature.





The Circulation/Sex Meridian

regulates circulation of all the body fluids.








 Next comes the organ meridians. They are known as the Stomach Meridian, the Spleen, the Heart, the Small Intestine, the Bladder, the Kidney, the Gall Bladder, the Lung, the Liver and the Large Intestine Meridian.

Lifeforce energy comes into the body through the chakras and it is then picked up to be distributed to the organs by the meridians.

Emotional issues, environmental effects and stresses can cause interruptions or imbalances in the flow of energy within the meridians.

    There are many different styles of treatments available to restore balanced energy flow to the meridian system. The main aim is that the meridians are all working properly, that is, carrying energy to the organs at the same rate as the others. It is no good having a chakra or meridian working more than another, because that would cause an extra lot of energy to be delivered to one organ while another would not have enough.            
    Balance of energy flow is very important.
    Ten of the meridians each service an organ, as previously said. They also are associated with different emotions and stimulate energy, with each major meridian, except the midline ones, having a two-hour dominant energy period within the 24 hour day cycle. As an example, the Heart Meridian has peek stimulation between eleven in the morning and one in the afternoon. After that the Small Intestine receives two hours of peak stimulation. They all receive energy throughout the whole day, but at a two-hour period during the day they receive a boost of energy.

    Over the years different procedures have been developed that can be used to clear energy from the meridians. One way that is quite effective, is to stimulated energy flow through the meridian while saying an affirmation or challenging statement. The meridians have points on them that run very close to the surface of the body, so tapping or rubbing on this point pulses energy through them to restore energy flow.
     The meridians are located evenly across the body.

    The Central and Governing Meridians are the only two that are in one position only. The others are what they call bilateral, that is they are on each side of the body in a mirror reflection of each other.
    The Central Meridian runs from your pubic area up the center of your body to a point under the bottom lip. It has been shown to be associated with suppressed emotion or regret and part of its job is to carry energy to the brain. The tapping point is just under the bottom lip in the center.

    The Governing Meridian is located from the tailbone over the top of the head, down the face to the middle of the top lip. It is usually associated with the emotion of general
stress and carries energy to the spine. The tapping point is just above the top lip.

The Stomach Meridian is located bilaterally and starts from below the eye and runs around the cheek to above the eyebrow; back down over the eye, down the jaw and front of neck, down the front of the body, ending on the end of the second toe. It is usually  associated with the emotion of worry and carries energy to the stomach. The tapping point is on the bone, just under the eye.

The Spleen Meridian runs bilaterally from the outside of the big toe up the front
of the leg and body to the arm crease and then down again and ending at the bottom of the rib cage. The emotion for the spleen meridian is usually associated with lack of
self-trust or confidence and it carries energy to
the pancreas.
The tapping point is on the side of the breast area.
The Heart Meridian runs bilaterally from the armpit down the inside of the arm to the thumb side of the little fingernail. It is usually associated with the emotion of forgiveness or hurt and carries energy to the Heart. The tapping point for the Heart Meridian is on the inside of the little finger, at the bed of  the nail.

The Small Intestine Meridian is located bilaterally from the outside end of the little finger up the outside of the arm, it then wraps around the shoulder blade, goes across the neck, takes a corner across the cheek and then ends up in front of the ear.  The associated emotion is usually emotional instability and it     carries energy to the Small Intestine. The tapping point is on the soft spot on the outside of the hand.

The Bladder Meridian  is located bilaterally from the corner of the eye, over the head and then it goes down the body with a bit of an extra detour and ends up at the end of the little toe. It is usually associated with the emotion of insecurity and carries energy to the bladder. The tapping point is above the eye, at the inside edge of the eyebrow.

    The Kidney Meridian is usually associated with the emotion of fear and carries energy to the Kidneys. It is located bilaterally from the ball of the foot, around the ankle, moving up the inside of the leg, past the inside of the knees, up through the pubic area, up the abdomen and chest and ends up on the collarbones. The tapping point is just below the collarbones.

    The Circulation -Sex Meridian is one of the function meridians which regulates circulation of all the body fluids. It is often related to the emotion of suppressed sexuality and is located bilaterally from the nipple, down the middle of the inside of the arm to the end of the thumb side of the middle finger. The tapping point is on the thumb side of the middle finger just below the nail bed.

    The Triple Warmer Meridian, is the other function meridian. It regulates the body’s immune system and regulates temperature. It is related to the thyroid gland, rather than an organ. It is sometimes associated with the emotion of instability and is located bilaterally from the end of the ring finger, up the back of the hand and the arm, across the shoulder and around the back of the ear ending at the eyebrow. The tapping point is on the back of the hand about 2cm into the crease where the little and ring fingers join.

    The Gall Bladder Meridian is located bilaterally from the corner of the eye, back to the ear then up and around the forehead, back around the ear and does a loop around the ear again then back behind the shoulder, behind the arm and then down the side of the chest, hip and leg to the end of the fourth toe.  It is often associated with the emotion of frustration and carries energy to the gall bladder. The tapping point is on the bone at the side of the outside of the eye.

    The Liver Meridian is located bilaterally from the inside of the big toe, up the inside leg to the hip, backward on the hip, up around the waist and forward along the rib cage. It is more often than not associated with the emotion of anger and it carries energy to the Liver. The tapping point is at the center of the bottom of the rib.
    The Lung Meridian carries energy to the lungs. It is often associated with the emotions of grief and sadness and is located bilaterally from the fleshy part of the breast, down the inside of the front of the arm and ends up at the thumb near the nail. The tapping point is near the nail on the inner side of the thumb.

     Large Intestine Meridian ( See diagram with Central and Governing) carries energy to the Large Intestine. It is located bilaterally from the thumb side of the index finger, up the hand, across the outside of the arm, across the shoulder to the nose. The associated emotion is usually being rigid and its tapping point is on the inside of the index finger, near the nail, on the thumb side.

    Each one of these meridians has a two-hour peak energy period during the day. The Stomach has its peak flow from 7am to 9am. From there each one has a turn in the order as they are listed them above.
    The last one listed is the Large Intestine, with its peak flow from 5 am to 7am. It finishes just in time for the Stomach to start its peak time again. .
     The meridians wander all over the body, with at least one spot on each coming fairly close to the surface. It is these spots that we stimulate by tapping on them, while saying different affirmations or statements that help to clear the energy of an emotion from the associated meridian. The same system can be used to help to release negative belief systems.

    There are five spots on the face, three on the body and four more on the fingers and two on the hands that are related to one of each of the meridians.

    For instance, if you were worried about something, you could tap on the point that is associated with worry. That happens to be the stomach point, which is on the bony bit under the eye. You would say something along the lines of,
‘ I love and value myself, even if I am really worried about……. whatever it may be’  All the time that you are saying this statement you would be gently tapping on the point under the eye. You would work out how much you were affected by the worry before you started and then judge how it feels after saying it.
    The actual affirmation challenges your belief systems and the tapping helps to release or move the energy block in the associated meridian. This form of release can be used for pain, stress, emotional stuff, beliefs and all sorts of issues.
love yourself you are raising your body vibration and challenging a belief system. You are affirming, which is what
affirmations are all about, that you love and value yourself even if something unpleasant is happening or someone is telling you that you are not perfect in some way.
    The whole purpose of using affirmations or thinking of upsetting things while tapping on the meridians is to access the associated energy and clear it from the energy system. Once the energy has been released, you can think of the same thought, without getting upset about it. The memory is still there, but it no longer has an energetic charge to it.
    Emotions are energy in motion. Energy that has been stuck or stored in the system may be accessed by different events, thoughts or memories. If you get upset in any way when you think about something it accesses the energy attached to the memory. Our aim is to release that energy  so that you are left with the memory without it causing any upset, disease or discomfort in your body.





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